DIY: Cute Christmas Decorations with Yarn or Ribbon DIY4042_image.jpg
DIY: Cute Christmas Decorations with Yarn or Ribbon DIY4042_image_b.jpg

  1. 1.Christmas decoration with yarn 1. Start by securing the yarn at the bottom of the polystyrene cone with a pin. 2. Wrap the yarn tightly around the cone, covering the entire surface. 3. When you reach the top, secure the end of the yarn with a pin and trim off any excess.
  2. 2.Christmas decoration with ribbon 1. Secure the ribbon at the bottom of the cone with a pin. 2. Wrap the ribbon tightly around the cone, using pins along the way to keep it in place. 3. Finish at the top by securing the ribbon end with a pin. For a more durable result, you can also use a hot glue gun. 4. Want to create a pattern with the ribbon? Fold the ribbon into decorative shapes as you go and secure it with small pins.
  3. 3.Decorate the Christmas decorations 1. Decorate the cones with beads, securing them with pins. You can also use pins with coloured heads for extra effect. 2. Beads on a string can be wrapped around the cone like a garland.