Download free PDF Step by step guide 1.Print the template - preferably in colour. Select your colours. For this embroidery, you will need six colours..Insert the template under the water-soluble interlining. Draw on the interlining using a water-soluble marker pen.2.Place fabric and interlining in an embroidery frame or hoop. If you use a water-soluble interlining, you avoid having to draw on the fabric.3.Embroider with satin stitch, backstitch and chain stitch. Here we used 3-4 strands of each colour. Embroider along the lines. Make sure you have the printed version to guide you. Tip: If the marker lines fade, you can redraw them.4.Remove the fabric from the embroidery hoop. Rinse in cold water. The marker lines and the water-soluble interfacing dissolve.5.Here is the finished embroidery. For a more ambitious project, you could choose to repeat the motif, e.g. to create a decorative row of motifs.6.Cut out the fabric using the heart template - Add 1 cm seam allowance. Sew the heart together on the wrong side. Leave a gap for turning. Turn, press and fill with fibre filling. Sew gap to close.