Download free PDFBy the way...! To affix the fabric to the cardboard template, you can either tack or use a glue pen. Step by step guide 1.Pin the cardboard template to the fabric. Cut fabric to the desired shape/size. Cut the fabric about 1 cm larger than the template.2.A. Mounting with tacking stitches: Fold the fabric around the cardboard template. Tack the fabric firmly to the template. Bring the needle through all layers of fabric and cardboard all the way around.3.B. Mounting with glue: Apply glue with glue pen to the edge of the cardboard. Fold the fabric around the cardboard template and press firmly. Glue one edge at a time. 4.Lay the cardboard templates with fabric edge to edge, right sides facing. Sew together with fine overcast stitching.5.When you have sewn all the pieces together, remove the cardboard templates. If the fabric is secured with tacking, remove tacking stitches first.