Coffee spills and accidental tears are a testament to our daily lives. But when wear and tear beckon, should we just say goodbye to our favourite pieces? Absolutely not!

Embracing the age-old art of mending, we can give our cherished clothes a second act. It's about rediscovering the love for what we own and making sustainable choices. So, before considering that much-loved shirt or dress past its prime, let's delve into some crafty techniques.


This section will explore how to repair clothes, giving timeless pieces the makeover, they deserve. Making the old feel new again, indeed!

Small holes can be devilishly tricky, but with Vliesofix iron-on interfacing, they're quickly banished. This method allows for a discreet mend that doesn't demand fancy skills or expensive tools. You'll need an iron, iron-on interfacing (Vliesofix or similar), and a tea towel.

  • Turn the garment inside out and iron it.
  • Once cooled slightly, gather the loose threads close to the hole.
  • Cut a piece of Vliesofix slightly larger than the hole.
  • Place it, adhesive side down, over the hole.
  • Cover with a tea towel and press with your iron.
  • Ensure that the Vliesofix has adhered well to the garment.
  • Turn the garment right side out.
  • Gather any loose threads and fabric pieces gently with your fingers.
  • Press it again from the right side to ensure the hole is entirely concealed.
Repair Steps Jersey

The mattress stitch offers a near-invisible mend when faced with a larger tear.

  • Align the edges of the hole neatly.
  • Using matching thread, stitch the two sides together using a mattress stitch.

With this technique, precision is vital. As you push the needle up through the fabric, ensure you re-insert it on the opposite side of the hole, keeping it level with your initial entry point. That way, the edges of the hole align perfectly.

For added strength and durability in the repair, use a double thread.

Mattress Stitch Mattress stitch

Ever been thwarted by a rebellious zip on a favourite bag or the jacket, you can't live without? There is no need to bid adieu to items because of a faulty zip. Nor do you need to completely deconstruct your cherished item to replace the zip! Enter the marvellous Zlide-On zip pull replacement!

  • Simply remove the old zipper pull.
  • Slide the Zlide-On onto the zipper track and clamp down.

It's a hassle-free way to bring zips back to life. Find all Zlide-On here, along with more detailed instructions.

Repair Steps Zlideon

Repair Zlideon 4

Repair guide for clothing

This section will explore how to repair clothes, giving timeless pieces the makeover, they deserve. Making the old feel new again, indeed!
Skjorte Til Kjole

Repair guide for clothing

This section will explore how to repair clothes, giving timeless pieces the makeover, they deserve. Making the old feel new again, indeed!